little help, little techy please

last time i had my video card updated was on an old comp during vanilla. i see that this new card has an update but im not sure as to what steps to follow to update it. i believe i found the right version but im wary since i am feeble with addons and such in the least. could someone spare a few mins, maybe more... and assist me please? many thanks

ill be your favorite shovel.
think i got the fix i needed from a guy in oqueue vent support. thx for reading. seems my card (with update) is less than what i had hoped for performance-wise. here's to replacing if i see the need lol.
you should refer to this page to see how your card stacks up:

if it's not on that page, it's prolly very out of date
wow ty so much for the site. mine is #42 on the list. Radeon R7850 ultra overclock edition. i was wondering possibly of comparison with the rank #10. GeForce GTX 770. also, would this be compatible with my comp? if i could find this out and it would be practical for performance, which it shows it is doubled, i might buy it. if you would have an expert opinion, mr developer.

Disclaimer: Favorite shovels are on a 1st come, 1st serve basis. unless you're more awesome than Agent Smith, here.
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