Link My Realm with ENGLISH Realms

My realm is English, why are half the PuG's in oQueue Russian or French?

There's a reason why I'm on an english realm, why should we have to deal with a language barrier?
Specify only English language then.
You only connect to about 7 or however many realms, those connected realms should be the SAME language, effectively not reducing the amount of PuG's that I am elligible for.
I don't believe I've ever had a problem with this, unless you're from the EU.
SnowMannx.. i had the same problem.. check your BattleNet friends added by oQueue and REMOVE anyone with russian letters in their name or their realm name.

That should reduce the numbers of russian premades you're receiving. also, in the language drop-down selector RIGHT-click on the russian language. That will hide any premades with russian as required language.

I don't think this second one will help too much tho because i can tell from personal experince that the russians do not bother with setting the language flag almost at all... so, after applying the russian filter, i just ban locally all the battle tags that i see that have russian descriptions... my favorite for including them in the ban list is where they use russian for the premade name or description text, don't set the russian language flag, but then they want mandatory voice chat.... WTF... whenever i see that i add them instantly to the ban list.

It would be MUCH easier if oQueue would allow me to filter out any premades that have cyrillic letters anywhere in the premade name, description or leader btag/name... something similar to how the language/voice dropdown work... since it doesn't have such a filter, i must use the ban list instead.

my current local ban list for ruskies and other annoyances is:

please do not post exclusion lists in the forums. passing via in-site mail would be a better alternative.
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