Karma and DKP

Just curious if there's a way to see how much karma and DKP you have. I am able to see a raid leader's dkp, and can see my karma only when I'm in a premade. But I can't find anything about my own DKP anywhere, nor can I see my karma when I'm not in a premade.

Bring up OQ. On the very top left of the screen is a large circle, maybe with a green # in it. If you hover over it you will see all your stats, including karma and DKP.

Oh, well look at that. Thank you!

This brings up another question though... What are "tears"?

Now that I don't know lol

Tears are given for PVP, when the other side leaves early...

Not sure if i should have posted a new thread or...

If i hover over the Green number (top left) it says i have 4600 dkp?

And when i created a premade to check, it said i have 60?

Is there a guide to this? I just searched dkp in the searchfield

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