Invited players are removed instantly

I know this has been posted before and happened to others, but I just wanted to add this topic so it gets some more attention and hopefully a fix.
First of all, other than oQueue I'm using the following addons:
NPCScan, Auctionator, Bagnon, Deadly Boss Mods, GatherMate2, HotLoot, Overachiever, PallyPowerWarn, PetTracker, Postal, RareCoordinator, Routes, Skada, SuperGuildInvite, TomTom.

What happens is that whenever I create a premade in oQueue and people start showing up in the waiting list, I start inviting them and while all are sent invites and put in the party, some get instantly kicked after joining me, often listing themselves again in the waiting list and if I invite them again the same thing happens.

This happens no matter if I've been in a dungeon/raid/premade before doing this or not. The same thing happened to another raid leader I joined through oQueue the other night. Some people were instakicked after joining, just like what happened to me.

Since this is an issue that affects many of us you gotta find a way to fix it. I don't use any UI mods that would screw up invites or anything so it is obvious that it must be an error in oQueue's invite system.

By the way, I also want to include another suggestion/question: During an ongoing raid, if listing the party as a premade in oQueue it lists all members as dps, how come? Can it be fixed?
By the way, I also want to include another suggestion/question: During an ongoing raid, if listing the party as a premade in oQueue it lists all members as dps, how come? Can it be fixed?
This is probably a bug.

As for the people being removed from the group, this is not a bug on oQueues end, or even on your end, this is a problem on the end of the person who is trying to join your group. They are probably running Elvui or Tukui, when you run a addon which auto accepts group invites, these are conflicts with oQueue.

What happens is oQueue, and the other addon both try and accept the same group invitation, the first addon accepts the invite, then the second addon tries to accept the same invite, because it has already been accepted, what happens is you get removed from the group.

Those people need to disable the auto accepting feature in the conflicting addon. 9 times out of 10 the culprit is ElvUI.
I don't run anything else that auto accepts invites though, and I've been mass-booted when raids disbanded. The RL has re-invited everyone, but it wasn't due to elvui or anything. (I don't use it.) So it could be due to that some of the time, but I still suspect something else is amiss. (No idea what, though. sorry. lol)

I've been mass-booted when raids disbanded...

You will sometimes see peple join a group, especially a ordos or celestials, and go "give me assist", or something to that effect. SOME of these peopel think its funny to immediately disband the raid.

This is why me and Tiny do not give people assist when we run groups.
Thank you for your replies ronburgundy.
My suggestion would be to add a window that pops up the first time you run oQueue after each update, telling the user to disable auto accept in whatever UI addon they're using, because it might cause a conflict. Or maybe some small piece of text in a corner somewhere in the main window?
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