Dragon Points

Hey guys, is there a way to tell what each group type is worth in Dragon Points? I don't think i have earned any doing valor runs through Heroic Scenarios. Raid bosses seem to be worth a a bit though...

On the same track, what about raffle ticket earnings? how do i tell what is worth what? i just logged in and found i only had 1 ticket after two weeks... lol.

I have been meaning to post a list of what will grant you points, but I can't share howmany points each activity is worth. We want to avoid people trying to abuse the system, so were limiting the information we share about specific numbers.

To gain a raffle ticket you need 100 points. If you exceed 100 points, and have say 212 points, this will only be worth 1 ticket as the points do not carry over. As you can probably imagine, this is to encourage users to come back to the site and check their score more often.

Umm.. so if i go out and look at how many points i get per hour from each activity, i can then go and abuse the system? LOL. Seriously? If you're that confident there are flaws in the Dragon Points ditribution, so much so that you won't talk about it... perhaps it needs a review?

What we want is for people to play the game how they normally would, not play the game in a way that will maximize their point accumulation. We aren't trying to make people feel like running certain content isnt worth it because they wont gain asmany points.

Ron, are you sure you don't work for Bliz? JS...

/typical Bliz response

But I agree. Play the game how you normally would. Ticket generation shouldn't affect it in any way.

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