Douche banning possible or not?

Recently in a group for 25 siege. And the leader was a horrible person. How do we go about reporting them to get them banned from oq?
"And the leader was a horrible person."

There goes 90% of the WoW population...
Well, trying not to be vulgar as this is a forum. But is it possible to list players and their realms as a form of black list?
I had thought about that too... maybe a blacklist thread? Bnet id and reason you shouldn't join with them. Although some might abuse that.
I can see the reason for abuse but how bad are people on the server Bonechewer?
I hardly ever see anyone from that server, I assume it is very low pop.
more critierias for banning/excluding ppl sounds nice possibly...

such as denying ppl from pvp-realms from joining the raid group.

and mayb (with an option to) automatically apply these exclusions to other areas u'd end in grp with them aswell, to further aid avoidance.
Disfavoring them somehow, ifnot hiding completely from the list, maybe then make realm it a bold or colored font or something, when someones realm name (or otherwise / whatever exclusion critieria) matches the ones on the shítlist, or something like that..

in particular I don't think I would miss out on too much and possibly often have improved gaming and social quality..maybe just unusually bad luck and me consequently bein judgemental...but thought Ive had especcialy bad experience with people from the Stormscale and Kazzak (pvp-)realms, and would have liked to pre-exclude ppl from these realms as much as possible without making it too apparent, atleast when it wouldnt cause a shortage of ppl. possibly a few other (mayb Outland, Grim Batol n some others.. not as sure abt all.. but failscale n kazzak are def worst ime, for some reason . ifnot all, by type: pvp-)realms aswell...

I always get bad vibes seeing ppl from those realms joining a grp Im in, and way too often turns out to be true and it ends badly in diff ways, ifnot bad behavior then lack of expected game experience from those players, compared to avg. from most any other normal realms.

sure there's been some exceptions, some very good players from those realms too. But again , I'd call that exceptions. ime.

I rarely if ever bother joining a grp when I see grp ldr is from either of those realms, and rather try look a bit more first before I do,ifnot giving up on it instead. . .

So wait, you want to exclude all people from pvp servers?

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just sayin, ive had unusually many times bad experience with ppl frmo especcaily those 2 realms. i guess tis alot of work to add such features n mayb not worth it, and mayb even me being unusually unlucky..
but excluding ones from pvp-realms, or a pre-defined list or osmething, may be nice Id think, yeah =P

Kazzak & Stormscale... aggressive hostile kids, with no idea of commonly expected game rules & etiquette, ninjas and ppl who seem to have just bought their accounts seems way to prevalent. mayb its just cos its big (biggest? i dno) pvp realms, and main focus on pvp there having a bad impact on pve performance overall, or something.. i dno.

just seems too often to be just bad luck, and i'd usually try avoid ppl frmo those when possibly. possibly from some other (pvp) realms aswell.
for some reason i cant think of any pve realms i get such bad vibes from either .. prty sure its not a coincidence.

but owell, not a big issue. i do most picking of ppl to inv or grps to join manually and not spam-clicking all fast or such, trying be aware of such as realm name n other info as much as possible and prioritize accordingly, based on previous bad experience:d
Guess that leaves me out... *sits in corner*
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