I have treied three times to claim my main character today, I ensure I selected the correct realm, locale, etc. I removed the items requested, logged out, checked my armory to confirm armory was updated, and each time when I hit verify it fails. Is this a known issue, is anyone else having this problem? Or, am I just jumping the gun on these raffle things?
Forums are in read-only mode.
Claiming characters
if you can jump in vent so we can work thru the issues, that would help a lot
wow.publicvent.org : 4135 room 0
wow.publicvent.org : 4135 room 0
There very well could be a issue with the system. If you would be so kind as to jump into vent with us, we would love to work through any possible bugs pertaining to your specific case.
Incase your unfamiliar:
wow.publicvent.org : 4135
no password
Incase your unfamiliar:
wow.publicvent.org : 4135
no password
Hi, I went in to the vent but was unsure which channel to go in as I saw a lot of "tiny" users.
EDIT: Oh, crap, totally overlooked the room 0 part. :(
lol no worries.
We are normally on most nights into the early morning and all weekend. So anytime it is convenient for you to catch us it would be great to see whatsup.
We are normally on most nights into the early morning and all weekend. So anytime it is convenient for you to catch us it would be great to see whatsup.
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