Can't join any waitlists in Oqueue

Hey folks. Big fan of Oqueue, but sadly I'm having some issues. I simply can't add myself to any waitlists.. I click the 'Join Waitlist' button and absolutely nothing happens. No declined-sound, no change to 'Pending'. :( I have the most recent version and have uninstalled/reinstalled the addon, nothing's worked. Thanks in advance for your help.

yes, I often have the same problem :( alot of times u click and nothing happens. Or u create one and no one on the wait list. Or u try to add and u have to keep clicking and clicking but nothing happens. Awesome Addon with a great utility..if it works. feel like a kid in a candy store, but i'm not allowed to have anything :(

when you click the wait list button, a friend request is sent IMMEDIATELY to the group leader along with a note requesting to be placed on the wait list. WHEN the leader receives it, his oQueue IMMEDIATELY processes the note and IMMEDIATELY sends back a reply.

if there is ANY delay in this process, there are 2 possible reasons:

1. the leader logged off the game and forgot to disband

2. is not relaying the friend requests

post to the blizz forums for answers as to WHY friend requests are not delivered IMMEDIATELY

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