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Can someone explain

Hi all

Can anyone explain (in simple terms) how to get OQ to dislay the BG Spy info in BG chat, mine is not showing up in BG chat where as others I have seen are

is there a command line for it ?

you can see the spy info by typing: /oq spy

if you're not the leader of an oQueue group, this will only display for you in your chat box.
if you're the leader of a group, it will display in bg chat

you can see the spy info by typing: /oq spy

if you're not the leader of an oQueue group, this will only display for you in your chat box.
if you're the leader of a group, it will display in bg chat

cheers for the quick reply, I dont suppose theres going to be an option of putting in on if i am not BG leader, as a lot of BG's (Randoms) I go into people dont seem to have the addon :(

then they need it

agreed :D