being auto-removed

hi there.

trying to get to some rbgs tonight and I´m experiencing some sort of auto boot from the groups. Leader invites and and I get instantly removed from the group. Not sure if i´s a bug or if I really stink. Cheers.
i also noticed people joining my waitlist for random bgs and leaving right away then joining the waitlist again and leaving instantly again.. was wondering if it's a bug or they are trolling.
If you have any addon or something similar baked into a UI that auto accepts beyond oQ, it essentailly kicks you cause it thinks you joined another group the second oQ accepts. I always turn Elvui's auto accept off when using oQ
I've had entire raid groups get disbanded before. Pretty sure ti's a bug but i don't know how to reproduce it. It seems entirely random. :(
As for entire groups disbanding, I've only seen it happen when the ENTIRE raid group is given assist and someone thinks its funny to mass kick.
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