1.9.9 freezes

after installing 1.9.9 game freezes for 1 sec but this is happening so frequent that i cant do anything.

last 3 versions also very problematique

please disable all addons except oQueue and confirm

also, which region are you playing in? US or EU?

I can confirm this happens to me too, i usually hit "go dark" as soon as i have what i need and the 'sticky frame' feeling is gone instantly. I feel this happens when there are more than 100 listings in oQ (most of the time).

Tiny: I play US. After DT i'll disable others and get back to you.

Yep, seems to happen with other addons disabled. i can confirm that i have 196 premades available, which leads me to a feature request! a mode where the addon doesn't update any listings unless i select a relevant category. eg: open up oQ, it's all empty, click on Raids, it goes off and checks with the nodes if there's any raids going and populates my raids tab... but not my arenas tab, cause that's on another character and i don't care about them on this toon...

From what i see, all 196 premades are being updated every 1 or 2 seconds... that must be a reasonable amount of traffic? it is noticeable to switch to 'go dark' or simply disable oQ.

premade group leaders 'pulse' the group info once every 20-30 seconds. that info is then bounced across the mesh where you receive it and your oQueue fitters it as its displayed. you can choose which pieces are shown using any combination of the four filters on the bottom or the spy glass filter on the top.

the amount of data is not that high, especially compared to a typical boss fight. once you enter an instance, oQueue turns off most of its communication to avoid any extra processing. once you come out, it rejoins the mesh and your groups start to repopulate.

it does not make any sense that you would experience a 'stutter' with only a few messages being processed per second.

please verify the version number you see at the top center. also, what type of hardware are you running? CPU/video card/system memory? what is your oQueue connection? what is your network bandwidth?

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